Greenville, NC
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1500 Beatty Street
Greenville, NC 27834
Greenway and Sidewalk Improvements
The four greenway and sidewalk projects included in the BUILD Project will improve pedestrian and bicycle access and connectivity between employment hubs, public recreational and educational sites, healthcare facilities, downtown, the East Carolina University campuses, and the 10th Street Connector.
Project A—South Tar River Greenway Phase 3B
The South Tar River Greenway Phase 3B project includes an approximately 0.8-mile extension of the proposed South Tar River Greenway, from Nash Street to the West 5th Street and Moye Boulevard intersection; the adjacent Phase 3A is currently under construction from Pitt Street to Nash Street. The additional length will follow the South Tar River behind the Moyewood neighborhood to the VA Medical Center where it will follow Moye Boulevard to West 5th Street. A portion of this greenway was previously designed as part of the South Tar River Greenway Phase 3 Project (NCDOT Project No. EB-5539).
Phase 3B will complete an off-street parallel pedestrian and bicycle facility to 5th Street. The facility will be a 10-foot wide asphalt multi-use path to match previous sections of the South Tar River Greenway. Updates to the design include the addition of high-visibility crosswalks at the Moye Boulevard and West 5th Street intersection, and minor shifts to the alignment along Moye Boulevard to avoid conflicts with existing utilities.
The purpose of this project is to improve pedestrian and bicycle access between employment hubs, several public recreational and educational sites, and health care. In addition, the connectivity to the existing Greenville Area Transit bus stops will improve access to transit.
Click here to see a rendering of the project overview.
Project B—Moye Boulevard Sidewalk Expansion
The Moye Boulevard Sidewalk Expansion project will begin at the Moye Boulevard intersection with West 5th Street and continue south on Moye Boulevard to Farm Drive, north on Venture Tower Drive, east on Sennie Drive, north on Stantonsburg Road, and end at the Memorial Drive and 10th Street Connector intersection.
The purpose of this project is to improve pedestrian and bicycle connectivity by providing access from West 5th Street and Stantonsburg Road to Greenville’s Medical District, and to also provide a safer and more direct connection to the 10th Street Connector, a major east-west connector through southern Greenville into downtown Greenville.
To reduce costs of the overall project, the multi-use path along Moye Boulevard and Farm Drive has been revised to maintain the existing 5-foot wide sidewalk and to add shared lanes markings, also known as sharrows, in the outside lanes of Moye Boulevard between Farm Drive and West 5th Street, and on Farm Drive between Moye Boulevard and Venture Tower Drive. An 8-foot wide multi-use path along Venture Tower Drive and Sennie Drive will be constructed. The existing sidewalk on Stantonsburg Road between Sennie Drive and Memorial Drive will be widened to become a 10-foot wide multi-use path.
Click here to see a rendering of the project overview.
Project F—Arts District Trail
The Arts District Trail project proposes approximately 0.3 miles of new 10-foot wide paved greenway in the Tobacco Warehouse District of downtown Greenville. The greenway will be constructed along the existing Norfolk Southern Railroad Company (NSRC) railway from Dickinson Avenue to West 10th Street near the East Carolina University Millennial Campus. It will also include a second connecting corridor that follows the existing NSRC rail spur to Ficklen Street and a high-visibility pedestrian crossing at 9th Street. Currently, the railroad is lined with mural art and sculptures. Some of the existing sculptures will be relocated to the grass areas along the greenway.
The purpose of this project is to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety and access between the Millennial Campus and downtown. This project would create the only non-vehicular connection between downtown and the newly developed Millennial Campus.
Click here to see a rendering of the project overview.
Project G—Town Common Connector
Some segments of the greenway will be constructed as timber boardwalk near the existing Town Creek. The existing sidewalk will be widened or replaced to the full 10-foot width as needed. Due to the steep slopes in the area, some short retaining walls will be needed as well. Improvements also include safer pedestrian crossings at 1st, 3rd, and 4th Streets. A pavilion will be erected along this corridor. The trail has been designed to avoid impacts to existing trees and landscape elements where possible.
The purpose of this project is to provide pedestrian and bicycle connectivity between Town Common Park, the east side of downtown, the East Carolina University Downtown District, and East Carolina University Main Campus.
Click here to see a rendering of the project overview.