Greenville, NC
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1500 Beatty Street
Greenville, NC 27834
Streetscape Improvements
The BUILD Project includes three adjacent sections of streetscape improvements along West 5th Street: Phases II, III, and IV. Phase I, which was completed in 2011, constructed streetscape improvements on West 5th Street from Memorial Drive to Cadillac Street. The three phases (II, III, and IV) combined are approximately 1.1 miles long and will include pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular improvements.
Vehicular improvements include reconstructing the existing roadway, upgrading stormwater infrastructure, and constructing two roundabouts (at Tyson Street and at Albemarle Avenue/Elizabeth Street) to replace misaligned intersections. Pedestrian and bicycle improvements include Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant sidewalks and curb ramps, pedestrian safety lighting, high-visibility crosswalks, and bicycle facilities. The designs for all the streetscape projects are consistent with the City of Greenville’s Streetscape Master Plan for the West Greenville and Uptown Districts.
The purpose of these projects is to improve safety, access, and connectivity for all users along West 5th Street—a critical east-west roadway through West Greenville.
Project C – West 5th Street Streetscape Phase II
Based on public feedback received following the first public meeting, the typical section of Phase II of the West 5th Street Streetscape Project was adjusted to widen the bike lanes to five feet by narrowing the travel lanes to eleven feet, in addition to the five-foot wide sidewalks on West 5th Street from Cadillac Street to just west of Sheppard Street (0.2 miles). A roundabout at the Tyson Street intersection will replace the misaligned intersection and traffic signal to improve safety and mobility.
Click here to see a rendering of the project overview.
Project D – West 5th Street Streetscape Phase III
Phase III of the West 5th Street Streetscape project includes streetscape improvements from just west of Sheppard Street to South Pitt Street (0.6 miles). This project is within the national historic boundary of Skinnerville-Greenville Heights Historic District and adjacent to the Perkins Town‐Cherry View Historic District. In addition, several individual historic homes are along the corridor.
The streetscape design of this project is consistent with the City’s Streetscape Master Plan for the West Greenville Historic Neighborhood District. The project will also transition in look and feel to the proposed streetscape style of downtown at the eastern edge of the project where Project E (Phase IV begins) near Pitt Street.
Improvements in the historic neighborhoods of West Greenville, west of the railroad tracks, include improved lighting, scored five-foot sidewalks with a grass strip, five-foot bike lanes, and historical markers for neighborhood gateways. This typical section was updated to widen the bike lanes to five feet by narrowing the travel lanes to eleven feet in response to public feedback received following the first public meeting. East of the railroad tracks, scored five-foot sidewalks with street trees, and wide lanes for shared use with bicyclists are included. This segment also has existing street lighting which will be improved. No additional artistic elements are currently planned. Utilities will be relocated underground.
The project includes a roundabout at the Albemarle Avenue/Elizabeth Street intersection, with brick crosswalks on each approach street. The center of the roundabout will be fully landscaped. The City has opted to install grass plazas rather than brick plazas around the roundabout to reduce costs. Landscape beds are still proposed as well as memorial wall art that may be installed by others.
Click here to see a rendering of the project overview.
Project E – West 5th Street Streetscape Phase IV
Phase IV of the West 5th Street Streetscape project includes roadway and streetscape improvements from South Pitt Street to Reade Circle/Street (0.3 miles). Improvements include wider sidewalks, brick crosswalks, site furnishings, and street trees. Existing on-street parking will remain in current locations along the south side of West 5th Street along this corridor, as shown in this rendering and at the public meetings. Some minor changes have also been made to Project E to reduce cost. With the exception of the crosswalks at the Evans Street, Pitt Street, and Reade Street/Reade Circle intersections, the remaining crosswalks will be standard striped crosswalks. The existing crosswalk at the mid-block crossing near City Hall will be replaced with a raised brick crosswalk to improve safety. The new sidewalks and brick accents will be consistent with the streetscape at the Gather Uptown apartments, which will be retained. Other paved areas originally proposed to be brick have been changed to scored concrete. These changes are consistent with the City’s Streetscape Master Plan.
Click here to see a rendering of the project overview.