Greenville, NC
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1500 Beatty Street
Greenville, NC 27834
Saint Andrews Stream Restoration Project
The proposed St. Andrews Stream Stabilization Project, approximately 2,500 feet in length, will take place along an unnamed tributary of Greens Mill Run. Beginning near the commercial parking lots of Plaza Azteca (restaurant) and Kids Street Urgent Care, the tributary continues to flow North toward a culvert under Fairlane Road (project area map below).
The site’s drainage area is approximately 128 acres in size, occupied by predominantly urban and suburban land-uses with 40% impervious (hard surface) cover. After a complete site assessment of the project area, KCI, the City’s engineering consultant, reported the site as having extensive and severe bank erosion as well as active channel instability.
This project is being funded through a Federal Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Grant, North Carolina Emergency Management (NCEM) Grant, and City of Greenville Stormwater Utility Fund.