Greenville Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization

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The Greenville Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization is a regional transportation planning organization that is made up of elected officials and representatives from various Federal, State and local government agencies within the Greenville urban area.

The MPO provides the regional cooperative planning that serves as the basis for the expenditure of Federal transportation funds in the area for streets, highways, bridges, public transit, and bicycle and pedestrian paths. Every urban area of at least 50,000 people, designated by the U.S. Census Bureau, is required to have a similar organization. There are 20 MPOs in the state of North Carolina (click here for more information). The members of the Greenville Urban Area MPO include the City of Greenville, the Towns of Winterville and Ayden, the Village of Simpson, and surrounding areas of Pitt County.  A map of the MPO boundary is available by clicking here.

The MPO is responsible for carrying out an annual planning work program, part of which must address updating the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (a seven-year project programming schedule) and a long-range transportation plan, which is a twenty-year forecast of projects and programs. The City of Greenville's Engineering Department is the lead planning agency for the Greenville Urban Area MPO. The MPO works directly with NCDOT to prioritize road projects that enhance traffic flow within the Greenville Urban Area MPO boundary.

For further information or to provide comments on any of the items presented on this web page available for public comment, contact Jeffery Rashko at 252.329.4881 or by e-mail at [email protected].


Public Comment Request

No additional public comment request at this time.

2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)

The MTP is a federally mandated, long-range planning document detailing the transportation improvements and policies that address the needs of the region in order to facilitate development of a safe, reliable and efficient transportation network that supports all modes of transportation equally. The MTP has a planning horizon of 20 to 25 years.

Greenville Urban Area MPO's 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)

The Transportation Advisory Committee approved an amendment to the MTP on October 30, 2024 which updated the cost estimates of projects within the plan.

Greenville Urban Area MPO's 2050 MTP Amendment


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Public Involvement Plan (PIP) & Title VI Plan

The Greenville Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (GUAMPO) presents its Public Involvement Plan (PIP). The purpose of the Plan is to provide guidelines for establishing and maintaining optimum public involvement in the transportation planning process.  The Plan incorporates current public involvement objectives, policies, and techniques. It is critical for the MPO as part of its public involvement process to provide complete information, timely public notice, and support continuing involvement of the public in the development of plans and programs.   

MPO's Public Involvement Plan is available by clicking here.

MPO's Title VI Plan is available by clicking here.

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Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP)

The MTIP contains all transportation projects programmed for the upcoming seven-year period, including all regionally significant transportation projects, regardless of funding source (such as transit, highway, rail, walkways, bicycle, enhancement projects, etc.), within the Metropolitan Planning Organization boundary. It is revised bi-annually to incorporate those projects in the MTP having the ability to be funded within the seven-year period. Projects are grouped by roadway functional classification and indicate the year, fund source, and funding levels for each project phase within the seven-year time frame. The MTIP is the local portion of the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). 

The Board of Transportation approved the 2024-2033 STIP in June of 2023. Adoption included the large number of reprogrammed projects in the 2020-2029 STIP due to the projected revenue losses, accompanied by significant project cost increases. The Greenville Urban Area MPO adopted the 2024-2033 MTIP, and its amendments in September 2023.  The current STIP and MTIP are more constrained than previous STIPs and MTIPs. The 2024-2033 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) with the latest adopted amendments is available by clicking here. 

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Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)

The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) identifies in a single document the annual transportation planning activities that are to be undertaken in the Greenville Urbanized Area in support of the goals, objectives and actions established in the Long-Range Transportation Plan. In short, it is an outline of the transportation planning activities that will be conducted by the GUAMPO and its professional staff over the course of one year. The UPWP is developed annually by the GUAMPO with its planning partners to reflect the region's short-range transportation planning needs.

Serving as the basis for all funding assistance for transportation planning and programming for state, local and regional agencies, the UPWP undertakes various transportation planning- and engineering-related studies for the GUAMPO and its member agencies. Strategic studies of transportation concerns give an accurate picture of the Greenville Urbanized Area's condition, and provide information to find solutions to transportation issues. The work performed under this annual work program is primarily accomplished by a combination of professional, technical and administrative staff of the Greenville Urbanized Area, with the assistance and cooperative support of participating GUAMPO member agencies.

The Greenville Urban Area MPO has adopted the Unified Planning Work Program for Fiscal Year 2025. The adopted FY25 UPWP can be seen by clicking here.

Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP)

In 2001, revisions were made to North Carolina General Statute 136-66.2 which was intended to expand current transportation planning in North Carolina to include consideration of non-roadway alternatives. The statute now calls for the development of a Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP). The CTP is a long-term “wish list” of recommended transportation improvements intended for an entire MPO planning area. These projects within the CTP do not have a specific timeline, cost, or funding source. The plan is expected to be a living document that provides for inter-jurisdictional cooperation and planning as well as coordinating projects and plans based on the wants of the MPO Planning Area. It also serves to replace the previously used thoroughfare plans.

The purpose of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) is to update the official Thoroughfare Plan that is used by local, regional, state, and federal decision-makers. In addition to listing potential projects, the plan provides information about land reservations for future transportation corridors. It helps guide decisions on setbacks and transportation improvements as development occurs today and into the future.

In developing the CTP, consideration shall be given to all transportation modes, including street systems, transit alternatives, and bicycle, pedestrian, and operating strategies. The MPO approved and adopted the current visual core elements of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan in March 2024.

Click here to see the Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP).

Additional information about the 2023 CTP can be found on the project website by clicking here.

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Active Transportation Master Plan (ATP)

The Greenville Urban Area MPO’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan has been updated. The Final Plan, now titled the Greenville Urban Area Active Transportation Master Plan, or ATP, can be viewed by clicking here. The plan was adopted in 2017 and then updated concurrently with the Metropolitan Transportation Plan in 2019. The ATP replaced the 2011 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan which, for historical purposes, can be seen below.

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Annual Obligations Listing of Federally-Funded Projects

A list of projects for which Federal funds have been obligated can be found by clicking here. The list of the FFY 2024 Transit Authorizations can be found by clicking here. Descriptions for these projects can be found on NCDOT's State Transportation Improvement website by clicking here.

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Below is a list of projects currently under construction or planned for construction within the MPO.

Under Construction

Projects in Development

Greenville: Dickinson Avenue Improvements (NCDOT STIP Number U-5606)

Greenville: 14th Street Widening (NCDOT STIP Number U-5917)

Greenville: Allen Road Widening (NCDOT STIP Number U-5875)

Greenville: Evans Street/Old Tar Road Widening (NCDOT STIP Number U-2817)

Greenville: Fire Tower Road and Portertown Road Widening (NCDOT STIP Numbers U-5870; U-5785)

Greenville: NC 43 South Widening (NCDOT STIP Number U-5991)

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Transportation Priorities (State Prioritization) 

Greenville Urban Area MPO’s Transportation priorities are transportation needs in the form of projects. Citizens, elected officials, MPO staff, and the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), identify these projects. Priorities are identified across several different modes of transportation: Aviation, Bicycle & Pedestrian, Highway, Ferry, Public Transportation and Rail. Projects identified as priorities typically are entered into the State Prioritization program. This program operates on an overlapping 2-to-3 year cycle, with the aim of awarding projects potential Federal funding.

The Prioritization cycle ranks projects across the state based on several criteria such as safety, congestion, cost-benefit and more. The projects are then scored based on these criteria, and compete with similar projects on either the division, regional, or statewide level. Projects that score the highest are funded and programmed into the State Transportation Improvement Program, or STIP. The STIP schedules projects for right-of-way acquisition, utility relocation and construction across a 10-year period. The next prioritization cycle, P7.0, is under way and will run until the 2026-2035 STIP is adopted by the State.

The Greenville Urban Area MPO’s adopted of list of candidates. They can be viewed by clicking here.

The Greenville Urban Area MPO is required to adopt a local methodology to guide the MPO's process of prioritizing projects. This methodology must contain at least one qualitative and one quantitative criteria. The purpose of this methodology is to assign local input points, which are allotted to MPOs and RPOs during regional and division scoring. Statewide scoring is strictly determined on quantitative data driven scoring done by the NCDOT. The Greenville Urban Area MPO's local methodology for Prioritization 7.0 can be seen by clicking here.  The Regional Impact and Division Needs category projects will be scored in accordance with agreed local methodology for the assignment of local input points.

On May 2024, NCDOT released the Prioritization Quantitative Scoring for all Regional Impact category projects submitted in P7.0. During the period of June to August of 2024, all MPOs and RPOs submit their local input points on the Regional level.

Pursuant to the local methodology above, adopted by the Greenville Urban Area MPO's Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) on March 27, 2024, the Greenville Urban Area MPO assigned Regional Impact Local Input Points to eligible Prioritization 7.0 Projects on July 10, 2024, as shown here.

Furthermore, in September 2024, NCDOT released the Prioritization Quantitative Scoring for the Division Needs category projects. On October 30, 2024, the MPOs assigned local input points for the projects using the same local input point methodology as the Regional level, as shown here.
Potentially, in January 2025, NCDOT will release the draft 2026-2035 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) which was developed utilizing projects submitted and evaluated in the Prioritization 7.0 process. The local portion of the draft STIP, known as the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP), will be available here and above under " Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP)." Final STIP must be approved by the NCDOT’s Board of Transportation by September 2025.

Prioritization Timeline

Milestone Dates*
Public comment period July - October 2023 
Projects submitted for evaluation  July 10 - October 27, 2023
Draft statewide-level project list released End of May 2024
Regional Level public comment period May - August 2024 
Draft regional-level project list released End of August 2024
Division Level public comment period September - November 2024 
Draft 2026-2035 Statewide
Transportation Improvement
Program released
Potentially: January 2025

Future dates are preliminary and subject to change

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Previous Unified Planning Work Programs (UPWP)

Click here to see the amended Greenville Urban Area MPO's FY 2024 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)

 Click here to see the Greenville Urban Area MPO's FY 2023 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)

Click here to see the amended Greenville Urban Area MPO's FY 2022 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP).

Click here to see the Greenville Urban Area MPO's FY 2021 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)

Additional Studies and Plans

Historical Studies, Plans, and Programs

The below plans are no longer active but are referred to for historical and reference purposes.

2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) by clicking here

Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) (2017): CTP Highway MapInset AInset B and CSpreadsheet of Projects

Greenville Urban Area Thoroughfare Plan by clicking here.  

Traffic Separation Study and Rail Improvements Study by clicking here. 

2011 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan is available here.

Historical Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Programs (MTIP):

  • 2020-2029  MTIP is available by clicking here. An illustrative summary of the MTIP can be seen by clicking here.
  • 2018-2027 MTIP is available by clicking here. An illustrative summary of the MTIP can be seen by clicking here.
  • 2016-2025 MTIP is available by clicking here.
  • 2014-2040 MTP is available by clicking here. This plan was replaced by the 2045 MTP on July 10, 2019.
Feasibility Studies

Greenville Boulevard Improvements Feasibility Study

Arlington Boulevard Improvements Feasibility Study

10th Street Safety Project Feasibility Study (Coming Soon!)

Special Studies and Plans

Tar River Pedestrian Bridge Study

Southwest Bypass Corridor Study

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MPO Organizational Chart

Greenville Urban Area MPO Organizational Chart

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TCC and TAC Agendas



Request for Proposals

To obtain a complete version of current Request for Proposals, visit:


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