Major City Projects

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There are several ongoing public and private projects in Greenville. Listed below is more information about some of those ongoing and future City projects.

 BUILD Grant Work on the City of Greenville’s Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) Project began in 2023. The BUILD Project is comprised of four greenway and sidewalk projects and three streetscape projects. For more information about the project, click here.
Elm Street Stormwater The Elm Street Storm Drainage Improvement Project will address flooding issues caused by outdated and undersized drainage infrastructure along Elm Street and some of its surrounding streets. The Elm Street System collects drainage from approximately 58 acres along Elm Street and discharges directly into the Tar River. This drainage area is highly impervious and includes segments of Willow Street, Brownlea Drive, East Third Street, and East Fourth Street. Work is scheduled to begin in 2027.

Street Resurfacing The City of Greenville is responsible for more than 700 lane miles of streets throughout the City. The latest work in the City's Pavement Management Plan began in March 2024. The 2024 work includes new asphalt and milling on 27 City streets, with preservation efforts (including crack sealing, rejuvenator, micro-surfacing, and cape seal) on 51 others.

South Tar Greenway The South Tar River Greenway expansion connects the City's existing greenway from the Town Common to the medical community. The first phase, which extends from Town Common to Nash Street, was completed in December 2023. For more information, click here.

Cedar Lane Stream Restoration The proposed Cedar Lane Stream Stabilization Project will take place along a confined section of Reedy Branch that runs parallel to East Wright Road at the southwestern corner of Jaycee Park. Click here for more information. Cedar Stream design and acquisition is completed but construction is not funded at the time.

 Cedar Lane Project  

The Cedar Lane Storm Drainage Improvement Project will address flooding issues caused by outdated and undersized drainage infrastructure along Cedar Lane. Proposed improvements will provide a 10-year level of service, and are estimated to install or replace approximately 1,400 linear feet of pipe along with 20 catch basins and/or drop inlets. Work is expected to begin in 2029.

 St Andrews Stream Restoration Logo  The proposed St. Andrews Stream Stabilization Project, approximately 2,500 feet in length, will take place along an unnamed tributary of Greens Mill Run.  Beginning near the commercial parking lots of Plaza Azteca (restaurant) and Kids Street Urgent Care, the tributary continues to flow North toward a culvert under Fairlane Road.

 Town Common Bulkhead A defining feature of Town Common, Greenville’s central park, is the 1,500-foot-long esplanade, or walkway, along the Tar River. Originally constructed in 1968, the steel bulkhead wall supporting the esplanade walkway is at the end of its anticipated service life. Replacement concepts have been developed that continue to protect Town Common from flooding and erosion, while also improving access to the river. Click here to learn more.

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