Greenville Begins Anti-Contamination Recycling Campaign

Post Date:09/23/2019 2:30 PM
The City of Greenville will begin implementing an informational campaign in the coming weeks that aims to curb recycling contamination in the community.
This campaign is part of a grant from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality to educate the public about items that cannot be placed in recycling containers.
The City has identified the 12 most common contaminants found in recycling containers. Those items are:
  • Styrofoam
  • Diapers
  • Electronics or batteries
  • Tanglers (cords, hoses, wires, etc.)
  • Plastic wrap, bubble wrap, or plastic bags
  • Greasy food containers
  • Clothing or textiles
  • Food waste
  • Hazardous or medical waste
  • Household glass, mirrors, ceramics, or scrap metal
  • Yard waste
  • Paper towels, napkins, straws, to-go cups, solo cups or lids
This effort began in August with the release of the first in a series of informational public service announcements (PSA). Additional PSAs, along with flyers and other educational literature, will be made available in the coming weeks.
New City-branded signage will be placed at recycling centers in the city to illustrate contaminants that are prohibited from being placed in recycling carts. A rendering of that signage is attached below. The City will eventually move to a cart-tagging system that will continue to educate the public about items that cannot be recycled.
For more information on this campaign or on recycling, contact Recycling Coordinator Holly Parrott at 252-329-4048.

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