GREENVILLE, N.C. - The Greenville City Council during its March 8, 2018 meeting finalized the name of the new Greenville Transportation Activity Center to be located on South Pitt Street and Bonners Lane. The facility will be named the G.K. Butterfield Transportation Center to recognize the congressman's efforts to secure funding for the project.
“There is no doubt that Congressman Butterfield played a significant role in helping the City secure the funding to make the GTAC project a reality," Greenville Mayor P.J. Connelly said. "It is certainly appropriate for us to name it after him in recognition of his efforts.”
The Council unanimously approved the naming of the facility for Butterfield during its November 13, 2017 meeting. Staff reviewed several options before presenting the suggested name to the Council on Thursday night.

"I am grateful for the dedication put into this project by Congressman G.K. Butterfield," Council member Kandie Smith said. "His willingness to be persistent allowed us the needed funding to help make this project a reality. To name it after him is indeed an honor."
The G.K. Butterfield Transportation Center is a $7.194 million project that will provide a centrally located transfer facility where local and regional transportation services can connect. Nearly all funding for the facility is provided through Federal transportation grants with local funds covering the remainder of the costs, approximately $800,000. Butterfield played a significant role in obtaining the Federal funds, according to Smith.
The Greenville Area Transit system (GREAT bus system), Pitt Area Transit (PATS), ECU Transit, and Greyhound will each utilize the Butterfield Transportation Center for connections along with taxis and Amtrak. Airport, medical, and hotel shuttles could potentially locate there as well with future rail service also a possibility. The Butterfield Transportation Center will be ADA-compliant throughout with elements such as elevators, ramps, kneeling buses, and hearing loops which will allow those who require a hearing aid to be able to better hear announcements in the lobby and conference rooms.
Construction is expected to be completed on the 9,500 square foot facility in May of 2018.