Greenville, NC
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City Council Workshop
03/24/2025 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
City Council Meeting
03/24/2025 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
City Council Workshop
04/07/2025 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
City Council Meeting
04/07/2025 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
City Council Meeting
04/10/2025 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Joint City Council-Greenville Utilities Commission Meeting
04/14/2025 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
2011 City Council Meeting Schedule, Agendas, and Videos
City Council meetings are normally held in the City Council Chambers on the third floor of City Hall located at 200 West Fifth Street. The meetings are open to the public, and citizens are invited and encouraged to attend.
Please click on a link below for the specific meeting agenda and location.
Council meetings held in the Council Chambers are shown live on the Government Access Channel, cable channel 9, and replayed several times in the days following the meeting. Meetings are also shown live and archived on the internet. Click here for the live stream of GTV9 or to access the City Council video archives.
For additional information, please call (252) 329-4432.
Additional City Council Meetings Schedules and Agendas can be found here:
2010 City Council Meeting Schedules and Agendas
2009 City Council Meeting Schedules and Agendas
2008 City Council Meeting Schedules and Agendas
2007 City Council Meeting Schedules and Agendas
2006 City Council Meeting Schedules and Agendas
2005 City Council Meeting Schedules and Agendas
* Please note that you can click on the bookmarks tab and scroll down the document if you would like to see an agenda's attachments.
January 10 |
City Council Meeting |
6:00 PM |
January 11 |
Joint City Council - Greenville Utilities Commission Meeting |
6:30 PM |
January 13 |
City Council Meeting |
7:00 PM |
January 24 |
City Council Meeting - Cancelled |
6:00 PM |
January 29 |
City Council Annual Planning Session |
8:00 AM |
February 10 |
City Council Meeting |
7:00 PM |
February 17 |
Joint City Council - Greenville Utilities Commission Meeting |
6:00 PM |
February 21 |
Special City Council Meeting |
6:00 PM |
March 3 |
City Council Meeting |
7:00 PM |
March 21 |
Joint City Council - Greenville Utilities Commission Meeting |
6:00 PM |
April 11 |
City Council Meeting |
6:00 PM |
April 14 |
City Council Meeting |
7:00 PM |
April 25 |
City Council Meeting - Cancelled |
6:00 PM |
May 9 |
City Council Meeting |
6:00 PM |
May 10 |
Joint City Council - Greenville Utilities Commission Meeting |
5:30 PM |
May 12 |
City Council Meeting |
7:00 PM |
May 23 |
City Council Meeting |
6:00 PM |
June 6 |
City Council Meeting |
6:00 PM |
June 9 |
City Council Meeting |
7:00 PM |
June 20 |
City Council Meeting - Cancelled |
6:00 PM |
No Meetings Scheduled |
August 8 |
City Council Meeting |
6:00 PM |
August 11 |
City Council Meeting |
7:00 PM |
August 22 |
City Council Meeting |
6:00 PM |
September 8 |
City Council Meeting |
7:00 PM |
September 19 |
City Council Meeting - Cancelled |
6:00 PM |
October 10 |
City Council Meeting |
6:00 PM |
October 13 |
City Council Meeting |
7:00 PM |
November 14 |
City Council Meeting |
6:00 PM |
November 17 |
City Council Meeting |
7:00 PM |
November 21 |
City Council Meeting |
6:00 PM |
December 5 |
City Council Meeting |
6:00 PM |
December 8 |
City Council Meeting |
7:00 PM |
December 19 |
City Council Meeting - Cancelled |
6:00 PM |