Current Bid Opportunities

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To view past bid opportunities, click here.

RFP NumberTitleStartingClosingStatus
24-25-20Mowing/Landscape Maintenance Contract #3 Greenwood Cemetery10/30/2024 4:33 PM12/12/2024 2:00 PMOpen
24-25-21Mowing/Landscape Maintenance Contract #11 Cherry Hill Cemetery10/30/2024 4:30 PM12/12/2024 2:00 PMOpen
24-25-22Mowing/Landscape Maintenance Contract #12 Homestead Memorial Gardens Maintenance10/30/2024 4:40 PM12/12/2024 2:00 PMOpen
24-25-23Mowing/Landscape Maintenance Contract #13 Brown Hill and Cooper Field Cemetery10/30/2024 4:49 PM12/12/2024 2:00 PMOpen
24-25-24Microtransit Shared Ride Software10/31/2024 9:16 AM12/10/2024 4:00 PMOpen
24-25-26Stallings Stadium Drainage Improvements - Elm Street Park11/15/2024 3:00 PM12/05/2024 2:00 PMOpen


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