City Establishes New Engineering Department, Names Director

Post Date:10/09/2019
The City of Greenville has named Lisa Kirby its new City Engineer and head of its newly created Department of Engineering.
Kirby has been with the City of Greenville since 2003, serving as senior engineer since 2010. In that time, she has been responsible for stormwater management, stormwater capital projects, and land development requirements. She is the project manager overseeing the $33-million Town Creek Culvert stormwater infrastructure project, the City's largest capital project to date.Lisa Kirby
"When I started here 17 years ago, I never imagined I would have the chance to be included in the development of a new department for the City of Greenville," Kirby said. "I am thrilled to have this opportunity. Over the next several months, we will be reorganizing our team, providing additional training, and developing standard operating procedures with the end goal being to create synergy and provide infrastructure that will sustain Greenville residents into the future."
Engineering was previously a division within the City's Public Works Department. The new Department of Engineering will manage traffic services, transportation planning (MPO), land development, stormwater management, capital projects, and asset management.
The Public Works Department will continue to handle operations for sanitation, Greenville Area Transit (GREAT), fleet maintenance, street maintenance, and buildings and grounds. Creating a standalone Department of Engineering was done in an effort to meet the priorities and initiatives set by City Council.
"We are excited to announce the appointment of Lisa Kirby as our new Director of Engineering," City Manager Ann Wall said. "During her time with the City of Greenville, she has worked in various engineering capacities, most recently serving as our stormwater engineer, and we look forward to her being able to dedicate her attention to capital projects, development services, and traffic services, all of which are extremely important for a growing city such as ours."
Prior to working for the City of Greenville, Kirby worked for URS Corporation completing floodplain analysis, floodplain mapping, and disaster management and field training during declared disasters. She has also contributed to several Environmental Impact Statements prepared for the Department of Energy's Nuclear Weapons Complexes. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Missouri University of Science and Technology.
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