A nearly $42 million road reconstruction, streetscape, and greenway improvements project aimed at improving safety, accessibility, and connectivity in Greenville's urban core is moving forward after the City Council unanimously approved three contracts during its regular meeting on Monday night.
The Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) project will enhance multi-modal connectivity and economic opportunity between four core areas of the city. Those areas include West Greenville, the Medical District, East Carolina University, and downtown. Preparation for the BUILD project has been ongoing since 2019 when the City was awarded a federal BUILD Grant.
Three contracts for the project were approved on Monday. They included the BUILD 5th Street Reconstruction and Streetscape Project ($25.21 million) awarded to Trader Construction, the BUILD Grant Greenways Project ($6.59 million) awarded to Trader Construction, and a contract for Construction Engineering and Inspection/Construction Materials Testing Services ($3.97 million) awarded to Kimley-Horn and Associates.
The BUILD 5th Street Reconstruction and Streetscape Project provides for roadway reconstruction, intersection realignments through construction of two roundabouts, striped and shared bicycle lanes, upgraded decorative roadway and pedestrian lighting, and streetscape amenities. Project work, which includes three phases, extends along 5th Street from its intersection with Cadillac Street to its intersection with Reade Street. The work on 5th Street is expected to take three and a half years.
A network of on-and-off-street greenway and multi-use paths with decorative lighting in some locations will be constructed as part of the BUILD Grant Greenways Project. The project consists of improvements at four locations including the South Tar River Greenway Phase 3B, the Moye Boulevard Multi-Use Path Upgrade, the Arts District Trail, and the Town Common Connector. The greenways and multi-use paths work is expected to take three years.
A map highlighting each of the seven projects included in the BUILD Grant Project is included below. The green represents greenway and multi-use path improvements, while the blue represents street improvements. Each connect to ongoing or recently completed transportation projects in the area.
More information about the BUILD projects can be found