Greenville, NC
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The City Council's Strategic Plan includes a goal that the City of Greenville will provide an environment that produces and maintains high-quality neighborhoods that are attractive, well-designed, and sustainable providing citizens a variety of housing choices. To help meet that goal, the Community Development Division facilitates programs to help with down payment assistance, owner-occupied home rehabilitation, and infrastructure improvements.
Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area (NRSA)
The establishment of the West Greenville NRSA allows for additional opportunities to use CDBG funds. To qualify an area under the NRSA program information from the US CENSUS is used to determine if an area meets the program requirements. The area includes and focuses on the existing revitalization area with Census Tracts 7.01, 7.02, and 1 as a foundation for establishing a NRSA. Because the census tract is larger than the revitalization area, areas might be included in a NRSA but not within the current West Greenville Redevelopment Area. However, this does not extend the Revitalization area.
The benefits have allowed CDBG Funds to be used for projects and activities that will provide an area-wide benefit to the revitalization area and will not require strict adherence to the Low to Moderate Benefit rules of CDBG. The additional neighborhoods are within qualifying census tracts adjacent to the current West Greenville Redevelopment Area.
West Greenville Redevelopment Area Vision
The top priorities and goals include the following:
1. Revitalization of several neighborhoods in West Greenville that are in a state of decline through:
- Rehabilitation of owner-occupied units.
- Acquisition and demolition of dilapidated rental housing.
- Acquisition of vacant parcels to assemble land for suitable building sites.
- Construction of affordable housing in West Greenville Revitalization area.
- Establishing a neighborhood commercial focus area.
- Preserving historical business district along Albemarle Avenue and West Fifth Street.
- Conversion of rental dwellings to owner occupants with down payment assistance.
- Identification of infrastructure improvements.
- Improving but preserving the neighborhood character.
- Developing programs and services with the private sector that will aid in the success of revitalization efforts.
- Landscaping/Streetscape improvements.
2. Supporting nonprofits that provide housing assistance to special needs populations, provide youth services, and encourage entrepreneurship.
3. Providing homebuyer assistance for first-time homebuyers.
4. Continue to eliminate lead-based paint hazards in dwellings assisted with federal funding.
Resources available to support housing activities includes Community Development Block Grant funds, HOME Investment Partnership, Lead Based Paint Hazard Control Program, general revenues, local bond program, the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency, private lending institutions and private developers.
Current Projects
The Community Development Division offers the following information and services:
- Affordable Housing Loan Committee (AHLC)
- Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI)
- Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program
- Home Investment Partnership (HOME)
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
- Down Payment Assistance Programs
- Housing Rehabilitation Program
- West Greenville 45-Block Revitalization
- Public Service
- Reports for Review