Greenville, NC
Home MenuNational Community Development Week
The City of Greenville is celebrating National Community Development Week April 21-25, 2025. The week serves as an opportunity to highlight the impact of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) CDBG and HOME programs with elected officials, program partners, program participants, and the public.
Want to receive reminders for this week's events?
As we kick off National Community Development Week, check out our social media pages for upcoming CD week events and fun facts about the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) CDBG and HOME programs that we offer right here in the City of Greenville.
Monday - April 21st
The City of Greenville Neighborhood & Business Services Department will kick off CD Week with a Recognition Luncheon to start the week-long celebration, which recognizes the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) programs.
This event brings citizens, program staff, partnering organizations, and beneficiaries together to showcase programs supported by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The event is invite only.
Tuesday - April 22nd
This workshop is designed to inform general contractors about the requirements for bidding on new construction and housing rehabilitation projects with the Community Development Division. All licensed general contractors seeking to be added to the City of Greenville’s Approved Contractor’s List are invited to attend.
This workshop is mandatory for all contractors currently on the Approved Contractors List. Women-owned, minority-owned, and Section 3-certified businesses are encouraged to attend.
RSVP is required. For additional information, please contact Virgil Smith, Construction Coordinator, at (252) 329-4503, or AJ Basile, Construction Coordinator, at (252) 329-4510.
Wednesday - April 23rd
Have Ideas for Community Improvements?
The City of Greenville, NC is currently developing its 2025-2026 Annual Action Plan to guide investments in community development, affordable housing, and homelessness assistance programs across the city.
Thursday - April 24th
The Neighborhood & Business Services Department - Community Development Division will partner with local non-profits, The Pitt County Council on Aging, and the Community Crossroads Center for a special community service day.
Friday - April 25th
The Down Payment Assistance (DPA) Lunch & Learn is designed to educate potential homeowners on the home buying process through programs offered by our department. RSVP is required for attendance. For additional information, please contact Lori Guttman, Program Coordinator, at (252) 329-4607.
Thank you for celebrating National Community Development Week with the City of Greenville!