In August 2016, after presentation of the Watershed Master Plan, Public Works was directed to assemble a stakeholders group to consider areas within the Stormwater Management Program which could be improved.
The Stormwater Advisory Committee (SWAC) will be engaged in a dialogue regarding the capital and financial needs of the stormwater system associated with alternative extents and levels of service and the corresponding cost and rate implications of each alternative.
This Stormwater Advisory Committee (SWAC) is working with staff to select the stormwater capital projects previously prioritized within the Watershed Master Plan. In conjunction with the selection of capital projects, the Committee will be presented possible changes to the level of service, design and inspection standards, and ordinance revisions. The Committee will review current development regulations and recommend a sustainable level of service for the stormwater program.
These recommendations will be presented to Council via a workshop and, if approved, would result in changes to the stormwater ordinance and design and inspection requirements as well as stormwater utility rates.