GREENVILLE, N.C. - After months of preparation, the City of Greenville's Employee Health Clinic has opened its doors thanks to a partnership with Vidant Health.
The facility, which is located at 1400 Brownlea Drive in the building formerly known as the Gardner Training Center, will serve all City employees who are on a medical plan. An Open House event for the clinic was held on Monday. Services begin on May 2.
"We are thrilled to be able to offer an Employee Health Clinic that will address some of the confidentiality concerns that were expressed regarding wellness initiatives such as biometric screenings and health assessments," Assistant City Manager Michael Cowin said. "There are many other benefits as well."
Some of those benefits are expected to include reductions in healthcare costs, drug and pre-employment screening costs, workers' compensation costs, and lost work time and absenteeism. Employees will get improved access to services, Cowin said.
"Healthcare costs are increasing by about 6-7 percent per year, and we have to look to find any way we can to help our employees," Cowin said. "And this is a benefit for our employees. Not only does it save money for the City and our healthcare costs, but this also provides another avenue for employees with regards to healthcare services. In addition to the incentives we are providing through the Wellness program, we will be providing a higher level of service to offset the increased costs that both the employee and the employer are seeing in healthcare."
The Greenville City Council approved a new health clinic for City employees during its meeting on October 17, 2016. Currently, the clinic is only available to City employees, but it could be expanded to retirees, dependents and the City Council after further evaluation.
Clinical staff from Vidant Health will provide services for minor sicknesses, allergies, routine physicals, minor injuries, OSHA screenings, pre-employment exams, lab work, and more.
Renovations to the Gardner Training Center were completed by the City's Public Works Department at a cost of approximately $75,000 funded through restricted health funds reserved for the project.
An analysis of primary care visits by employees revealed that the clinic could save the City $20,000-$50,000 per year.